systemic design and
Circular Coffee Transformation
Academic project in collaboration with Costadoro, a famous coffee roasting company in Turin, for the optimisation of the business process with a view to economic, social and environmental sustainability.
I was in charge of process analysis, design of the new company system, data visualization and graphic representation of the results.
Politecnico di Torino, Costadoro SpA
V. Bosso, F. Citarda, E. Giacometti, E. Molina, G. Vecelli
Design for Industry 4.0
Experimental research project in the field of automation of production processes in local SMEs. I worked on the Agrindustria Tecco case, with a focus on energy efficiency and the self-production of renewable energy. The result was a multi-user interface for the optimization of resources exchanges in the company.
I did user interviews, desk and field research, systemic design of the new production model, development of the UX/UI design, presentation of results.
Politecnico di Torino, Agrindustria Tecco srl, Regione Piemonte (Progetto H.O.M.E.)
D. Mercenati
Holistic approach for large photovoltaic plants:
design and operations
Research project in the field of renewable energy. The focus is on the conscious design of shared and integrated landscapes that can contain large PV installations through a toolkit of actions that can be replicated in different areas in Italy.
I dealt with holistic analysis, systemic design and social impact of large installations on the territory. I also produced the research books and graphic materials.
Politecnico di Torino, FULL - Future Urban Legacy Lab
EGP - Enel Green Power
M. Berta, A. Casasso, L. Davico, E. Fabrizio, B. Piga, R. Ronzani, A. Spanò, F. Spertino, P. Tamborrini, R. Taramino, P. Tarozzo, T. Tosco, E. Vigliocco, G. Zotteri
Academic innovation project for the regeneration and promotion of walking areas in Turin and raising awareness of food sustainability among primary school children. The project was collaboration with District 3 of Turin.
I did interviews, field analysis and the design of a game-training workshop.I also produces graphic and promotional materials for the event.
Politecnico di Torino, Circoscrizione 3 di Torino
C. Borghi, M. Bosica, A.M. Diaz Ramirez, G. Girocchi, M. Liu, A. Santoro